And I'm Bloomin' Robert!
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"When You Plant With Love...

Beautiful Things Grow"

Bobby's Buddy...
A Special Little Critter

Why I Love Flowers And Funny Little Dogs

I've spent most of my life not knowing one flower from another, then one day I found myself knocked out by their beauty.

As fate would have it, a few years ago I moved to another state and bought a house that had a yard full of beautiful flowers. The people who lived there before had obviously tended them with great care. When the flowers started blooming, they were so breathtaking that I found myself curious about the name and background of each variety of plant. Mostly, I loved the daylilies and iris. I built new beds and added my own discoveries to the already outstanding collection.

When I moved back to my home state, I couldn't bear to leave all of the beautiful flowers behind. I dug up a number of daylilies and iris and brought them back with me. When I replanted them...they thrived. That's when other people took an interest in having some of these flowers for their own.

Since then, I have added many new plants and beds to my grounds. I am addicted, but it is a labor of love. The rainbows of beautiful flowers all around me are some of my favorite things in the world.

Buddy Can't See Or Hear Me...

But He Loves Me Just The Same

Buddy is a one-of-a-kind critter. He is a very rare colored long-haired miniature dachshund. But he was born with practically no sight or hearing. Nobody wanted him but me. He is a loyal companion, and he and his friend Madison help me patrol the fields of flowers. He still has his keen sense of smell!